[PATCH 1/1] net/hyperv: Use wait_event on outstanding sends during device removal

David Miller davem at davemloft.net
Mon Jun 4 15:48:03 UTC 2012

From: Haiyang Zhang <haiyangz at microsoft.com>
Date: Mon,  4 Jun 2012 07:35:32 -0700

> +	wait_event(net_device->wait_drain,
> +		atomic_read(&net_device->num_outstanding_sends) == 0);

Please indent this properly.  The goal is not to indent using only
TAB characters, the goal is to line things up to the proper column
using TAB and space characters as needed.

You must make the first character on the second line be at the
first column after the openning parenthesis on the previous line.

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