Q: {in,out}[bwl]_p vs. {in,out}[bwp]

H Hartley Sweeten hartleys at visionengravers.com
Thu Jul 19 18:41:47 UTC 2012

Hello all,

Does anyone know what the difference is between inb_p and inb?

include/asm-generic/io.h has this:

#define inb_p(addr)	inb(addr)
#define inw_p(addr)	inw(addr)
#define inl_p(addr)	inl(addr)
#define outb_p(x, addr)	outb((x), (addr))
#define outw_p(x, addr)	outw((x), (addr))
#define outl_p(x, addr)	outl((x), (addr))

So they appear to be equivalent but I want to make sure I'm
not missing something.


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