Potential initialization bug in leds-lp5523

Matt Renzelmann mjr at cs.wisc.edu
Wed Apr 11 20:46:16 UTC 2012


I'm writing to report a potential bug in this driver.  I don't have a patch as
I'm unsure the best way to fix it.  The error, which can lead to a kernel panic,
is as follows:

- Suppose sysfs_create_group (line 860 in leds-lp5523.c in latest kernel) in
lp5523_init_led fails.  The function will return early with an error code as a
- Control returns to lp5523_probe, and breaks out of the loop to the fail3
- In this failure case, the INIT_WORK macro is never called for this LED.  This
normally executes in the same for() loop that calls lp5523_init_led, line 959,
but because of the failure, the loop breaks execution early.
- Execution continues with the cleanup loop:

        for (i = 0; i < chip->num_leds; i++) {

- In this loop, we call led_classdev_unregister, which invokes
led_brightness_set, and this in turn calls lp5523_set_brightness, which then
calls schedule_work on the uninitialized work queue.  This can panic the kernel.

Can someone look at this and let me know if it's a genuine bug?  I found this
using a tool we've developed and it'd be great to know if it's a false positive.
It looks genuine to me but it'd be great if someone who knows what's going on
could verify it :)  Please let me know if I can provide additional information.

Thanks and regards,

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